Tuesday 17 August 2010

Waiting For November

Don't you just hate it when the nuclear reactor on your giant submarine is about to explode? Well all the folks in tonight's episode of 'The Deep' do. It was pretty sweet. Katherine's alive! :O

And now, because I know no-one knows what I'm on about, I'll move onto more important matters :D

See this? It's me.
Not actually me, cos I'm not called Dora. But see the girl with a backpack and a journey to go on? That's me. 

See this? This is what is at the end of my journey. 
Well, not this precisely, but something equally as shiny.

This shiny item of magnificence goes by the name of Angie, and doesn't give a fuck. 

This is how it's gonna go: 

Eve gets train to Manchester.
 Eve gets plane to Stockholm.
(Yes, that's my wonderful plane I drew on paint)

Eve and Angie eat ice-cream in winter.
And don't give a fuck.

So it was written. So shall it be done. Bitches.

Just you wait, it'll be the greatest tale of adventure you've ever heard. There'll be laughter and joy. And ice-cream. What more could you ask for from an adventure? Nothing, that's what.

And what else has happened with my day? - I hear you ask. WELL, I started work at Bernard's. It was... interesting.

I changed the bed, collected laundry, and recycled newspapers (over 200 of them, if you're wondering). I also washed up and cleaned in the kitchen. But is my work done?

It's like a crazy hoarder's nest up there. He refuses to throw anything away. But oddly, he's fine with you throwing it away for him. It's like... it's some kind of evil task, but he won't get cursed if he doesn't actually do it himself.

So there's rather a lot still to be done. Sigh.

Tomorrow though, TOMORROW, is a good day. My Wife, my bestie, the love of my life... Jane. She is here. In my shitty little town. Love will happen. Smiles will be had. I may smooch her a bit. Cos she's so magnificent.

Wanna meet her? Of course you do :)

Here we are. New Year's 08/09, this was. 
It was an awesome night. Home made cocktails and fun.
(And by 'home made cocktails', I mean... we mixed everything we could find and drank the shit)

She doesn't really look much like that any more. And neither do I, now that I think about it... but it's one of my favourite memories with her, so suck it.

The evening ended with us breaking a bed and all of us stealing Jane's clothes. 
That's how our parties go.
But I don't think anyone threw up or had sex in the garden, so it was fairly civilised for our lot :D

I think we ended up watching the porn channels at 4am or something though. 
Maybe not so civilised :P

I think I've rambled enough for today.  If you made it to the end, congratulations on surviving my mental minefield :)

My final thought is this: How the fuck do moon-pools in submarines work? You know where the mini-submersible docks inside the big submarine... well it's like a pool, INSIDE the submarine. A pool of the sea water from outside. But the room doesn't fill up. What the fuck?!

Eve x


  1. You are sweet. And that plane was so cute.
    I'm too tired to write a comment that makes sense.

  2. Oah, that's awesome!
    Would you please read mine too?
    Sorry for asking.

